Basic strategies - where it starts all foreign currency traders learn.In
the basic strategies are used for simplified rules of distinction and
Note models in the charts , in addition to using a single indicator or
two . By
learning how to distinguish and note the simple models , traders can
foreign currency ( forex ) freshmen smooth transition to systems and
methods of the more advanced trade .We
start from the simplest forex trading strategies that will help
Almtadol the novice to identify the points of conquest and anticipate
market shifts , and will be gradually progress to more advanced trading
systems .Before
we start : Two words for stop - loss order - must be identified either a
fixed number of points ( Vives ) (You can try to use the 20-30 points (
Vives ) in trading systems easy ) , or , if allowed this chart , a
little more than last Top / lowest point swing for the price of the currency .Note each Traders Almtdoualn : the following trading strategies are shown here only for educational purposes only. Trading rules could be subject to interpretation and explanation . The degree of risk can rise dramatically in extreme cases of the market. You can use the ideas set forth or modified to fit with your own style in circulation, but only at your own risk . We recommend that you test your trading system on a demo account before investing real money
Forex trading strategy ( transmission of fast-moving averages )Trading systems that rely on fast - moving averages are easy to follow. Let's look at this simple system .Currency Pairs : AllTimeframe tables : an hour to 15 minutes.
rules : When you reach the 10 EMA to the 25 EMA and then to the 50 EMA,
after / Buy the direction the 10 EMA clearly when approaching from the
50 EMA. (
Just waiting for the price of the currency column for approaching the
site woes of the 50 EMA , waiting helps to avoid false signals ) .
rules : 1 possibility : When you return the closing 10 EMA and touches
the 50 EMA ( again , better to wait until the column is approaching the
current price of this " contact " from the opposite direction for the 50
Pros : ease of use , and get very good results as the market moves , while the price movement made great strides .
the cursor is an indicator of rapid follow-up , or late cursor /
backward , which means that he does not predict future movements in the
market, and reflects the current situation in it. This feature makes it weak.
because he could change the indicators in any moment , secondly - you
must monitor all the time, Third - can Battiy index wrong signal when
trading in the market on the parties (non- moving ), and بتأرجح light at
the price, it is preferable not to use in a period such as
Forex trading strategy ( High - Low random (stochastic))Forex
Systems that rely random index to monitor prices , give very good
advice about the market situation for those involved in it .
Currency Pairs : AllTimeframe : AllIndicator: Full random (3, 3 , 14)
Open rules : When the random index falling below the 20 , 10 and up , and then mounts and back to 20 - Make your request .Open
rules : You sell when the rise of the index over the 80 random and
bringing them to the 90 , and then falling into the 80 's .
DoD rules : the deal unto while randomized indicators up to the corresponding bodies ( 80 orders , 20 requests for Sale).
Positives: This indicator gives buy and sell signals very accurate in markets that are moving well.
Cons: requires periodic monitoring . Advisable to use random index in addition to other indicators in order to avoid opening when the wrong signals
Forex trading strategy (RSI high - low )Although
it from others as possible of any trading system rely on the RSI
indicator alone, the use of this indicator in addition to other tools
and sound technical analysis can bring new limits to your trading
foreign currencies .
Setup:Currency Pairs : AllTimeframe : AllIndicator : RSI 14 in both 70 and 30.
Open rules : You buy when the RSI drop below the 30 , getting off to a minimum, and then rise again to 30 .Open rules : You sell when the rise of the index above 70 , and machined to the top , and then dropping to 70 .
Closing rules : do not exist.
Positives: an RSI very good reference to confirm any opening of any trading system simple or compound . Regarding the current trading style it gives good guidance to open, but the opportunities are not available in abundance.
Cons: need to monitor , the appearance of wrong signals . It is recommended that this strategy used in addition to other strategies
Forex trading strategy ( random cross the lines )Here an overview of the role of the index indiscriminate circulation of foreign currencies . Accurate
knowledge of what can be expected from the index random , if there are
plans to use it in your system , will significantly affect the results. For this trading system :
Currency Pairs : AllTimeframes : AllIndicator : random ( 3, 3 , 14)
Open rules : your purchase when it exceeds the rapid random font slow and rise above it .
rules : do sell in the reverse situation ( when you get the next
overtaking ) and immediately after that open in the reverse direction . In
the case of the next monitoring of contact ( the possibility of
bypassing ) , it is recommended that you wait for the next column lock
Price , and then take a new step .
Positives: the possibility of identifying the rules of opening and closing , ease of use .
Cons: random index is a lagging indicator - With all these excesses of sin, can the emergence of many false signals . The
Almtdoualn can change the indicator random settings for each currency
pair , so as to avoid false signals in the best possible way . This is a good system when it is used together with other systems
Forex trading strategy ( indiscriminate index multiplier )Using random multiplier in the analysis , also doubled the accuracy of trading. But
in spite of that , it should be remembered that with all forex trading
tool is added , there is potential for further installation ,
orientation particular compound is not always good .
Strategic requirements :Currency Pairs : AllTime frames : one hour , one dayIndicator: Full random ( 9.9 , 21) , full random ( 3.3 , 9)
rules : When you bypass the line indicator shows the random ( 9.9 , 21)
- then conquest , or wait until the current price column locks , and
then your conquest . This would be a major trend .
for the index to random ( 3.3 , 9) to anticipate swings inside the main
vector , and then enter the market again - open additional operations .
Also ignore the random movements of the cursor (3, 3 , 9) , which indicate short - term lock . Do not lock any operation until the cursor is random ( 9.9 , 12) to give a clear signal to do so.
Lock rules : in the following situation to overcome the main lines of random index ( 9.9 , 21 )
Positives: use two indicators Ashoaúaan helps to see the main vector in addition to swings inside. This gives a more precise rules to open , and rules of good closure .
Cons: need for constant surveillance , dealing here again with a lagging indicator .