We publish new rules of insurance contributions for workers abroad .. "Insurance" a book distributed to consulates to urge Egyptians to participate in the insurance fund .. Different segments of the value of remuneration linked to repayment

the National Authority for Social Insurance Ministry of Insurance book
about the contributions of Egyptians working abroad in the social
insurance during their stay abroad.
provides fund working sectors business and the private sector for
workers abroad to get a subscription form from the main center of the
Fund and its branches nationwide or through the consulates and branches
of the Banque du Caire abroad, is scheduled to be sent the book to the
ministries of labor and foreign Tqoma in turn distributed to Egyptian
consulates abroad to enable workers to get it and find out the advantages subscribe insurance .
ensures the book , who won the "seventh day " in the image of him
monthly installments for those who want insurance income , and for the
income of the insured and which has a salary 150 pounds a month Vsicom
pay the value of involvement insurance amount of 33.75 pounds and income
of 200 pounds will pay subscription 45 pounds , and monthly income of $
pounds will pay 56.25 pounds , worth 300 pounds income will pay 67.50
pounds , and a $ 350 monthly income will pay 78.75 pounds pounds , and
in the case of the high value of the insured income to 450 pounds will
pay the amount of insurance a month worth 90 pounds.
the income of £ 500 will be working to pay 101.25 pounds per month ,
and the income value of 550 pounds will pay 112.50 pounds, and income of
600 pounds will pay 123.75 pounds, and income value of 650 pounds will
be insured to pay the amount of insurance 135 pounds a month , and in
the case of high income insured to 700 pounds
Vsicom to pay 146.50 pounds, and income of $ 800 pounds will be insured
to pay the participation of 180 pounds , and the income value of 850
pounds will be working to pay the amount of 191.25 pounds , and in the
case of high -income to 900 pounds, the amount of insurance will be
202.50 pounds, and income worth 950 pounds , the amount of insurance would be worth 231.75 pounds .
workers whose income Monthly 1100 pounds, the amount of insurance will
be 247.50 pounds, and income worth 1200 pounds , the value of
subscription insurance will be 270 pounds, and income worth 1300 pounds
will be up insurance for an amount 292.50 pounds, and income worth 1400
pounds value of the monthly subscription with 315 pounds, and income of $
1500 pounds
value of subscription 337.50 pounds, and income of $ 1600 LE The value
of the subscription insurance will 360 pounds, and income of $ 1700 EGP ,
the value of the amount of insurance will be 382.50 pounds, and income
of $ 1800 LE will be insured to pay 405 pounds , and in the case of the
arrival of income to be insured to 1900 pounds the
value of the monthly subscription amount to 427.50 pounds, and income
worth 2000 pounds , the value of the subscription will be 450 pounds ,
and income worth 2100 pounds , the value of the subscription will reach
472.50 pounds.
he emphasized Fund workers in business and public sectors the Ministry
of Insurance that it will add a new slide in the month of January of
each year , an increase of 15% , on the last slide table applicable from
the date added , will also determine contributions by 22.5% of the
value of income subscribe, add to
pay for subscriptions in any foreign currency convertible Egyptian
banks , also be made for each month or three months or six or every
year, depending on the choice of the insured , so as to avoid delay
penalties in repayment , especially since stopping performance
Subscriptions for 6 consecutive months .
also will be paid a pension for the insured in the event of old age,
disability full and natural death or resulting from a work injury that
receive old-age pension at the age of 60 years, and that those who
reached his involvement insurance 180 months , while gets early
retirement before reaching the age of sixty, and in case of termination
of service of the insured abroad with providing document separation and
certified by the embassy or consulate Egyptians abroad , and not less
than the contribution period of 20 years , while will get a pension
permanent total disability or natural death by 65 % of the value of the
premium subscription provided that at least the duration of
participation for
three consecutive months and is performed by subscriptions, and death
occurs at work or within a year from the date of termination of
employment, regarding pension permanent total disability and death
resulting from a work injury , the pension will be increased by 80% of
the value of income to participate, and increases the pension by 5% each
5 years until the insured reaches sixty years, a fact or judgment.
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