Stock exchanges in the world is divided into five types are as follows:
1 exchange of present goods such as cotton, wheat, copper and iron
2 Stock Exchange trades contracts for non- commercial metropolis
3 immediate market ( FOREX) is the foreign exchange out of stock markets
4 Stock Exchange psychological metals such as gold , silver , diamonds and platinum
5 Stock Exchange equities , bonds and shares of incorporation .
Where mention site TejaraForex to trade the currency trading market (Forex) market , where integrates all the advantages of Forex markets and many of the parties that make up the market:
Central banks * The Central Banks
It is the most influential movements of the market because it is the most liquid and most important:
Federal Reserve Bank of American
Bank of Japan
Europe central bank
Swiss national bank
The central bank of England
Where brokerage firms receive the possibility of trading during which time prices of banks
* Brokers : Brokers
Play a primary role in the market and the aptly named mediator , the mediator between the client and between the client and the market is also an important function of Saint Jean - funded and in order to ensure your money and to cover the bank to your transactions recommend that the brokerage firm licensed by the state in which a resident .
And provide you with brokerage firms through trading platforms for the possibility of buying and selling prices of the stock market and borne briefly brokerage firm is a broker between you and the market.
What is the currency trading market ( Forex )? ? ?
And are speculative by buying and selling major currencies which holds the share of basic operations in the forex market is the U.S. dollar (USD) ( base currency) and the euro (EUR) and pound sterling (GBP) and Swiss franc (CHF) and Japanese yen (JPY).
Founded Forex market (FOREX) for financial transactions between banks in 1971 when he turned in global trade transactions of using fixed values of currencies to float values . And this is the result of a group of financial transactions carried out by agents of financial markets to convert a certain amount of money in one of the countries currency for another country's currency value of pre-agreed to a certain date . And identifies specific currency conversion rate for other currency simply : supply and demand for conversion approved by both parties.
And the purchase and sale of those currencies in U.S. dollars or other currencies among themselves what is known as currency pairs and so against the U.S. dollar or any other currency against another currency in value. And are considered speculative currency Win trade on the stock market , and also the most risky , because of the rapid fluctuations of the currency by the bullishness to bearishness or vice versa, and up daily volume of currency trading in the Forex market up to $ 3 trillion. And to compare recall that the size of the activities of the New York Stock Exchange does not exceed $ 300 billion per day, that half a year is needed for the New York Stock Exchange to reach the size of the currency market .
The effectiveness of the forex market hours :
The forex market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week can فلذا trading day or night .
You will find in the attached file hours the Middle Standard Time market for the four largest economic centers and be effective global market for 8 hours daily market integration produces 24 daily
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